Important Percents


uthrow uair kill %s:

FD: 52%

DL: 68%

BF: 54%

YS 46%

PS: 48%

FoD: 56%


FD: 62%

DL: 74%

BF: 64%

YS: 56%

PS: 59%

FoD: 63%




(Hitting Puff's shield)

Fullhop aerial on puff's shield, ALWAYS shine - sometimes foxes want to get tricky and mixup their drift or try and dash away but they can and will get shield grabbed for this. After a high aerial on shield you should literally always shine.

If you aerial puff's shield and you are in shine range, shine is always the safest thing you can do.

This comes up a lot, puffs will be good at going for grabs where if they're wrong it's not a big deal and if they're right they kill you.

(On Puff's respawn)

Once puff reaches the ground or very close to the ground on her respawn, dodge her vertically. She CAN read your double jump, but once she falls too low she can't really do that anymore. Just double jump and side b to top platform, just avoid her vertically or you're going to get trapped.

(Lasers vs Puff)

You should not be lasering puff if she's even remotely close to you, Fox is at his most vulnerable when he is lasering, so if you're firing lasers too close, Puff can punish with WHATEVER SHE WANTS. Good Puffs will take advantage of these scenarios by tiring you out or letting you get comfortable with your lasers. It's super important, if you feel like you need to laser to build damage or make the puff approach or if you're using lasers as a safe way to get puff to kill percent etc, you need to be acutely aware at all times of WHY you're lasering and the DISTANCE you're lasering from.

(Out Of Shield)

You need to be very accurate on puff's vs shield options, if you're at all worried about what side of your shield puff is going to land on, shine out of shield is a safe and reliable option to make sure you don't get grabbed at the very least. Obviously if you know she's going to land in front of you you can grab or upsmash.

Hbox gets a lot of value out of doing a really unsafe aerial, which is risky, but then he'll just wavedash and the fox will whiff a short hop or full hop aerial and he'll forward smash. If you keep puff really honest and never let her get away with a point blank aerial it makes it a lot easier

(Puff shielding on plat)

If you fullhop backair her shield, it can be very difficult to deal with. Granted, you won't be able to get a kill by going for the bair, but there's nothing she can do about it either. You can switch between facing away and going for the bair, and facing towards her, maybe shielding, to goad her into coming down badly and looking for a grab, upsmash or shine knockdown into upsmash. If he doesn't come down, you can just turn your back again and go for more bairs, or maybe shark with shorthop upair through plat.

(Kingu's takes on challenging sideplat)

“General rule: If you get underneath the plat, you are in the drivers seat. Puff needs to be scared of a hit at any time and will usually try to jump away and reset. Ur goal is to either callout the dropdown where she's guarding sideplat or to get under her and pressure the plat."

"pressure the plat with: Shuair. Both timings, singlehit on shield and doublehit, do diff things. Doublehit beats ASDI down shield cos the first hit resets shield and the second pokes, whereas single hit beats holding up because then they pop up and u get a v nice chasedown. Lasering. it's old reliable and fh lasers from the other side of the stage r old reliable and u dont get punished for them being powershielded. Keep in mind that u still need to threaten moving forwards from ur lasers otherwise they get to close the space for free. Uptilt under plat. Beats any drop down timing. Solobattle has experimented with some forbidden ASDI down shit to try and trade and get a grab but tbh this stops working past like 20 so unless ur on fod dont even think abt it lol."

"Fh nair onto plat is a good callout and covers a good range but is at the most risk of being hbox grabbed/shielddrop rested/fadeback baired/drop down uaired. It's a callout on her wavelanding onto the plat and not what u use to hit her once she's already there. This can be kinda cheated if u practice the edgecancel spacings but don't think about that for now Waveland mixups. Kinda self explanatory, but also u mostly wanna waveland behind her so she can't shieldgrab. A nice mixup to compliment waveland is fh dj falling aerial, to feint landing on plat, bait out a shieldgrab or upsmash, and then punish as u fall Drive by bair. Dash from underneath the sideplat towards center and do a fh bair. Only punishable if puff is facing with her back to center in shield and is close to the edge, and even then u only get baired. Very low risk, medium reward."

ur a wall, it's soooo hard to get past fox just pissing about around the plat”
